A Look Back at Independence Day and America's Birth

America was a part of Britain before the declaration. Americans were tired of being ruled by Britain (now known as the United Kingdom) and wanted their own country. On 4th of July, 1776, the written Declaration of America Independence day was approved by the Continental Congress and America became an independent country. From then, every year on July 4th, the United States burst into a vibrant celebration of its independence. 

History: From Colonies to Independence

Let’s take a dive into the history of America Independence Day and the momentous events that led to the birth of a nation.

Before 1776, the land that is now the United States was a collection of 13 colonies ruled by Great Britain. As the colonies were growing, pressure between the colonists and the British crown was growing. There were several reasons why they felt as if they were treated unfairly which include:

Taxation without Representation: The colonists felt unfairly burdened by taxes forced by the British Parliament, they even had to pay taxes on tea and let British soldiers stay in their homes. They had to follow these rules and were not allowed to do anything to change them.   

Limited Self-Government: The colonists desired more freedom in controlling their own affairs.

British Military Presence: The colonists resented the presence of a large British military force stationed in the colonies.  

After all these were happening on a daily basis and affecting their lives they raised their voice against the British Government, resulting in a war between colonists and Britain in 1775. The colonists, guided by figures like George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson, fought for their independence from Great Britain.

The Declaration of Independence

The written document that outlined the colonists’ reasons for seeking independence and establishing self-government drafted by Thomas Jefferson was presented to the British government and also was signed by all 13 colonists. But the government still didn’t accept it. So they decided to continue their fight for democracy until they finally defeated Britain.   

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The Spark of Revolution

These injustices and grudges eventually led to the American Revolution. On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence. The fight for independence wasn’t easy. Now the United States and the United Kingdom are on good terms. Most Americans still celebrate this day with parades, fireworks, and barbeques.

4th July USA Independence Day Wishes

Meaningful USA Independence Day Wishes

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