Staff Management Software

Staff management software like hihellohr helps you to manage your workforce and staff in real-time. We have a unique combination of time tracking and employee monitoring features in the best time and attendance software to help you get insights into your staff’s workloads. This will help the HR Department to manage and control your staff more efficiently. Moreover, It tracks and governs the working hours and productivity of an employee. HRMS software not only supports the daily employees in regular action. But it also supports the management team or inspection authority to make informed decisions through the available information. That’s because the available modules & data records provide crystal clear & updated information. That couldn’t insist a team member look around different spreadsheets and files to figure out the right information.

Best Staff Management System

Benefits Of The Staff Management Software

  • Complete Employee Tracker

    The management team couldn’t feel stuck in fetching out files/folders. The staff management tool through real-time access can be possible with the management software support tool. It makes instant identification to the inspection team or other authorities about the employee’s work status.

  • 100% Transparency

    One single piece of information transforms from one source to all team members. Every record remains crystal clear among all team members. Therefore, it creates 100% transparency among HR, Managers, Admin, or other employee members. It makes the work structure worth for long-term execution.

  • Secure Storage of Screenshots

    We never store screenshots on our servers because the software stores them over SSL over HTTPS. All tracked data can be accessed by users at any time. At any time, your employees can delete screenshots containing personal information.

  • Full Control Of Your Data

    It is up to the employee to decide when to start and stop the timer. Also, they can delete screenshots and time entries at any time (if you give them the necessary permissions).

  • The Legal Employee Monitoring Solution

    Employee monitoring through the system becomes convenient in legal aspects. All the true data can be obtained during inspection through the management tool. It gives 100% accurate & genuine data while legal employee monitoring aspect.

Components Of The Staff Management System


Time Tracking Automation

Check-in and Check-Out, your employee attendance automatically. The staff management systems automatically ensures the employee’s status whether he is present at the workplace or not. That couldn’t wonder him to go through files just to mark the presence or check at the movement.


Auto Employee Scheduling

Create and manage team schedules which not only helps to reduce the workload of the department heads as it can be assessed from any location.No team members can wonder out the upcoming goals when the daily goals are crystal clear & impeccably organized in the existing schedule.

Efficient Workflows

Make your workflow completely efficient with the easy assignment of jobs to the employees, time tracking progress in real-time, and making changes as and when required. The organized management in the automatic storage makes the workflow more efficient & compatible for all.


Easy Real-Time Access

Employee team records or reports related to documents, and expenses can be tracked on demand. Even the information update late at night becomes easily approachable to customers. All data records on the HRMS software become accessible to the concerned person with just one access control.


Easy Payroll Management

You can automate the whole process of payroll management software, from the approval of timesheets manually to automating the whole process as and when required. An organization couldn’t look for separate management options to apply payroll structure for all. Processing on management software for desktop, remote, or field Staff Management Software becomes feasible for payroll processing.


Detailed Reports

Get detailed reports about each and every insight from employee performance to improving productivity on regular reports. Team members couldn’t waste their time while looking at different management sources. Infact, they can get aware of the right data record through the common source product.

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    Why Need hihellohr For Staff Management Software?

    Performance Overview

    It feels quite hard to make decisions by gathering each employee’s record. But HRMS software couldn’t worry you for the same. Infact, automatically generated records on the best staff management software can help the team members to proceed through the right solution.

    Hassle-Free Work Approach

    Team members couldn’t delay their regular tasks due to the existing mismanagement. Infact, they can smoothly run their daily operations avoiding unnecessary hassles. That is because the HRMS like a staff management tool provides automatic updation in records to all team members.

    Easy & Organized Work Approach

    An employee couldn’t feel the need to manage daily tasks randomly in files or other sources. That’s because the easy & organized management of software becomes feasible for employees to become stable. They can manage & updated daily records easily on a well-structured layout of modules.

    Space For Employees

    An employee can get the desired space when the automatic attendance, time, payroll, or staff management system supports his daily needs. Infact, he can get aware of daily tasks and updation when the usual platform remains engaged. At the same time, when he stores or access everything on one common platform.

    Active Involvement

    All team members can make active involvement in the regular work process. Random work execution may delay no. of crucial tasks that are supposed to accomplish timely. But on-time execution results through hihellohr make the daily tasks more optimized due to the active involvement of each employee.

    Transparent Work Standards

    An organization can follow a transparent approach in daily task management. That can help the team members to build trust with the organization. At the same time, this also avoids miscommunication, or misconception among team members. That’s because it shows every record crystal clear, accurate & transparent to every employee.
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