5 Essential Techniques for Measuring Employee Experience: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s fast-moving business world, where companies compete for top talent and aim to keep their employees engaged and satisfied, measuring employee experience has become a critical tool for success. As the old adage goes, “You can’t manage what you don’t measure,”.
Measuring employee experience is a challenge for many, but it’s essential. Companies that work on improving employee experience often see better productivity, employee retention, and engagement. This, in turn, leads to happier customers, higher sales, and overall better performance.
employee experience measurement

1. Leveraging HR Technology for Measuring Employee Experience

Most organizations have a human resource management system (HRMS), or human resource information system (HRIS) to store information about employees and give insights about metrics such as turnover rate, referrals, complaints, etc.
Measuring Employee Experience: Key Functions and Benefits of HR Technology
  • Application Tracking:

    HRMS and HRIS systems simplify the application and recruitment process by storing candidate information, managing job postings, and tracking applicant progress. This leads to more efficient hiring procedures.

  • Payroll Management:

    Automating payroll calculations, tax deductions, and direct deposits reduces errors and ensures timely and accurate compensation for employees.

  • Benefits Management:

    These systems allow employees to easily enroll in and manage their benefits, from health insurance to retirement plans. This leads to increased employee satisfaction and compliance.

  • Attendance Tracking:

    HRMS and HRIS solutions facilitate tracking employee attendance and leave requests. This data aids in payroll processing and ensures fair and accurate attendance management.

  • Performance Management:

    They provide a platform for setting and tracking performance goals, conducting reviews, and offering feedback. This promotes employee development and accountability.

  • Employee Communication:

    Centralized communication tools enable HR departments to disseminate important information, updates, and policies to all employees, fostering better communication and engagement.

2. Surveys

Surveys are another source of measuring employee experience. Different ways to measure the employee experience are mentioned below.

Candidate experience survey

The candidate experience survey is about asking the new employees about their hiring experience. Example questions include:

Onboarding experience survey

The onboarding survey happens after the employee accepts the offer letter. The questions include:

Employee engagement survey

Employee engagement surveys are all about measuring how motivated and committed employees are to their jobs, teams, and the organization as a whole. These surveys help measure things like job satisfaction and overall employee happiness.

Pulse survey

Pulse surveys are like quick check-ins to understand what employees think and how engaged they are. They’re digital tools to measure employee experience and are becoming popular because they provide real-time insights instead of waiting a whole year for feedback.

Exit survey

Exit surveys are like farewell questions for employees leaving a company. They find out why someone is leaving, and what their future plans are, and allow for detailed feedback. These surveys help differentiate between different types of departures, like when someone leaves on their own versus when they’re asked to go.
experience measurement

3. Interview

There are three types of interviews you can use to measure employee experience.

Stay Interviews

These interviews are dynamic in nature. Managers engage in conversations with their team members to understand what keeps them motivated and committed to the organization. Stay interviews help identify the aspects of the company that are working well in terms of the employee experience. The success of stay interviews lies in the trust and action involved. Team members need to trust their managers to openly share feedback, and leaders must be willing to act upon the feedback received.

Exit interviews

Exit interviews are reactive in nature and are conducted when employees are preparing to leave the organization. The main purpose of exit interviews is to identify the reasons behind an employee’s decision to leave. Besides this, exit interviews also provide support to the leaving employee during the transition phase. Although the employee is leaving, they still carry their perceptions and opinions about the company with them. The questions in exit interviews focus on understanding the motivation behind the decision to leave, identifying the best and worst aspects of the job, and evaluating the impression of the manager, team, and senior leadership. It’s typically the HR team that conducts exit interviews to ensure the feedback collected is as objective as possible, contributing to an accurate measurement employee experience.

Skip-level Meetings

These meetings are particularly valuable for higher leadership positions to gain insights into the employee experience measurement. They involve direct discussions between senior leaders and employees who report to someone under their direct management. Skip-level meetings are powerful tools for gathering valuable information not only about the employee experience but also about other business concerns, including customer feedback and overall operational performance.

4. Focus Groups

Focus groups are a way to measure employee experience by gathering feedback from groups of employees who share common characteristics, experiences, or backgrounds. These groups provide a platform for employees to collectively share their experiences and ask questions.

5. Employee productivity

Employee productivity is a key indicator of their happiness and overall experience at work. Studies show that happier employees tend to be around 13% more productive, indicating a positive correlation between happiness and productivity. Monitoring employee productivity on an hourly, daily, or monthly basis helps you assess whether employees are moving in the right direction in terms of their experience.


Measuring employee experience is not just a management trend; it’s a crucial aspect of modern workforce management. A positive employee experience translates into a more engaged and satisfied workforce, which, in turn, leads to increased productivity and organizational success. By gathering and acting on employee feedback, companies can create a work environment where their employees thrive, resulting in a win-win scenario for both the organization and its workforce.
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