Celebrating Pakistan Independence Day: Honoring 77 Years of Freedom and Unity

Every year on the 14th of August, Pakistan Independence Day is celebrated, to reflect the nation’s journey and getting their freedom from British rule way back in 1947. Pakistan’s Independence Day, also known as Youm-e-Azadi in Urdu is a time to remember the past, and look forward to a bright future. This year, Pakistan will be celebrating its 78th birthday. It’s a day of joy, unity, and hope, for all Pakistanis no matter where they are in the world. 14 August is a national holiday in Pakistan to celebrate the special occasion.     

Celebration Held in Pakistan on Youm-e-Azadi

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History of Pakistan’s Independence Day

India and Pakistan will be having their 78th Independence Day this August and will mark the 77th year of freedom from British rule in 2024. In 1947, the Indian Independence Act of 1947 created two new independent nations which are India and Pakistan. The idea of a separate Muslim state gained attention under the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the All-India Muslim League.    

The founding father of Pakistan, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, declared that 15 August would be the independence day for Pakistan in his historic radio. It reflects the several sacrifices made by great people for their homeland. There is enough evidence that Pakistan became independent on the same day as India did. Then why do they celebrate their Independence Day on 14th August? For so many years, different assumptions have been made but we don’t know the exact theory.

Not after so long, in 1948, only 13 months after becoming a governor-general of independent Pakistan Mohammed Ali Jinnah died. Being the only decision-maker for the whole nation, he handled the country very nicely during those difficult months.

The Separation of Pakistan

The campaign for Indian independence began with the Indian Mutiny (1857-59) and increased after World War II (1939-45), as Indians expected self-government for their wartime contributions. However, inter-communal violence between Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims complicated matters.

In 1945, the newly elected British government aimed to grant independence and hoped for a united India. Despite multiple talks, the mainly Hindu Indian National Congress and the Muslim League couldn’t reach a common solution. After a failed conference in 1946, Muslim League leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah called for ‘direct action’ to create a Muslim state.    

In August 1946, six British battalions were deployed in Calcutta (now Kolkata) to restore order, but the violence spread to Bombay (now Mumbai), Delhi, and the Punjab.

Eventually, the British decided on partition. On 2 June 1947, the last Viceroy, Lord Louis, announced that India would be divided into mainly Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan, including West Pakistan and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).

Promoting Unity and Progress

It’s not all just about fun and games. Pakistanis also think about how their country can be even better. The nation reflects on its achievements and acknowledges the challenges that lie ahead. This day encourages Pakistanis to work together to build a stronger and more successful nation. The future of Pakistan depends on its youngsters. Educational institutions can play a crucial role by organizing debates, essay writing competitions, and art exhibitions to encourage Pakistan’s history and future. They can learn about their history and work together to solve problems.

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